Declarațiile pentru presă a ministrului de externe Aureliu Ciocoi după ceremonia de semnare a memorandumului de înțelegere între Republica Moldova, Georgia și Ucraina privind cooperarea în domeniul integrării europene

Publicat:Mon, 17/05/2021 - 14:38

Șeful diplomației moldovene, Aureliu Ciocoi, desfășoară o vizită la Kyiv, Ucraina, la invitația omologului ucrainean, Dmytro Kuleba, pentru participarea la reuniunea miniștrilor de externe ai Republicii Moldova, Ucrainei și Georgiei.

Declarațiile pentru presă a miniștrilor de externe Aureliu Ciocoi, Dmytro Kuleba și David Zalkaliani după ceremonia de semnare a memorandumului de înțelegere între cele trei ministere de externe privind cooperarea în domeniul integrării europene, pot fi urmărite aici.

Memorandumul semnat stabilește o serie de obiective de cooperare a țărilor asociate cu Uniunea Europeană și oferă baza normativă pentru întreprinderea demersurilor diplomatice comune, consultări trilaterale, acțiuni de comunicare publică.

Dear Dmytro, dear David,

I am very glad to be in Kyiv today for this important occasion. Many thanks to Minister Kuleba for hospitality and initiative to host this meeting. 

Dear colleagues, Dear friends,

Our three countries have many things in common, but a special place clearly belongs to the European aspiration and ambitions of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine indeed.

The Association Agreements which we have in the portfolio with the EU, the visa-free regimes, the free trade with the EU put our countries on the path of major reforms and changes to the benefit of our societies. We are committed to continue them despite all the challenges.   

Let me underline as well that our cooperation in Trio format has started quite some time ago. We signed joint statements, many joint letters and joint position papers on various issues related to the Eastern Partnership.

Therefore, this Memorandum is a logical continuation and basically is aimed to streamline our trilateral dialogue and diplomatic efforts.

Certainly, each of the three countries has its specific items and interests on the agenda with the EU and we will continue to discuss them bilaterally. At the same time, we will cooperate on those issues where we see an added value in a trilateral effort. 

My last point is that by officializing the cooperation in Trio format we remain committed to full-fledged cooperation within the Eastern Partnership with all other participants.

We are interested in a successful and ambitious Eastern Partnership and ready to contribute to it. 

At least but not last, allow me to say, that in achieving our final goal on joining European Union in mid and long term perspective, we have to join our efforts and act in common, in order to full fill our homework being eligible as soon as possible. Not asking, but being invited to join the European Union.

My dear friends, let’s work for it and hopefully we will achieve this goal in coming decade, not decades.



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